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Dodging the HIV Epidemic Philippines - Pacific South Morning Journal ®

HIV Philippines

     Looking for sex and love in the Philippines could be a risky business for the expat who feels like a kid in a candy store, with all of the available and beautiful women from 18 to 80. The fact is that we would like to know that every single expat is safe from harm weather you are exploring the country or choosing a community to live. Information and making smart choices could save your life or the life of your family, here in the Philippines.

We spend much time and money building fences, locked gates , using cctv, buying guns, carrying pepper spray and choosing the right community to keep ourselves and family safe but how much consideration do we give to our own healthy living ? The fact is that a bright, shining, smiling face may be your heart’s desire but could be carrying HIV. I am not interested in political correctness here as I would make known every single person in the country who has HIV to our population, if it were possible and I will be direct.

For decades, the Philippines had dodged the global AIDS crisis. Things have changed, however. There is now a full-blown AIDS crisis in the country, as seen in the growing statistics. This is of huge interest to expats, 95% are here to find a mate or have multiple partners. Quite a large number of expat get married and some of us have children; our own, step children or both.

This only broadens our scope of responsibility to keep our children safe even if our wives or girlfriends are clean in terms of HIV and we are also clean and healthy.

As you read the following understand that a heterosexual male has the least chance of contracting HIV of all. Gay men and drug addicts make up the largest risk. A straight male can easily take precautions to reduce risk to almost zero a straight woman may also take steps to keep safe even if she is sexually active..

According to the latest data from the Philippine Department of Health’s Epidemiology Bureau, the number of individuals with HIV newly diagnosed per day rose to 25 last year, from just one in 2008, four in 2010, nine in 2012 and 17 in 2014 and upward for 15 and 16 .


In just one month in 2015 (July), there were 682 new cases registered, 17 per cent more than the same month the previous year. Ninety-four per cent of them were male and the average age was 27.

Half of the individuals diagnosed as HIV positive belong to the 25-to-34 year age group, while 30 per cent were youth aged 15 to 24.

In terms of modes of transmission, the most common was sexual contact (663 cases), and 86 per cent of the sexually transmitted cases were among males who have sex with males. The other modes of transmission were needle sharing among drug users (17 cases) and mother-to-child transmission (two cases).

Again the most common modes of transmission include unprotected anal or vaginal sex and sharing needles (regardless of whether they are for injecting drugs or medication like gender-confirming hormones)

Between 2010 and 2016, males comprised 95 per cent (21,601) of the reported 22,714 cases.

Currently the statistical trend has shown an increase with the younger generation that are diagnosed HIV positive and this is a concern for our families..

‘The age group with the biggest proportion of cases has become younger: from 2000 to 2004, it was 30 to 39 years;

from 2005 to 2009, it was 25 to 34 years;

from 2010 to 2016, it was 20 to 29 years.

Notably, the proportion of People Living with HIV in the 15-to-24 age group increased from 20 per cent in 2005-09 to 28 per cent in 2010-16,’ the latest Health Department report said.

Dr Joven Cuanang, neurologist and chair of a private hospital in the Philippines, said that because of the growing incidence of HIV in the Philippines, the medical community feels the urgent need to raise the public’s awareness of the issue, adding that ‘It’s already an epidemic.’

According to Cuanang, healthcare workers are becoming more and more aware of the problem and he stresses that most cases of HIV/AIDs are preventable..

The approval of 51 new contraceptive by the government, in 2017, will help slow the spread of this epidemic..

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