Some Call Then Sheep- I Call Them Bitter, Psychotic Worker Drones In An Ant Colony- Hunter’s View
by Forest Hunter
First thing I see on my feed this AM is a Muslim suicide kaboom, in Kabul. Makes no difference where, just that it’s Islam related. And after that objectionable but entirely predictable bit of ho-hum“news,” I got a follow-up bit from MS-13:
Basically those thugs, who don’t belong here legally but whom L.A. and New York and Chicago and San Francisco want to give sanctuary, have this to say: “the police have been making too many arrests and it’s time to take the streets back and take out a cop like we do in El Salvador.”
What the hell is WRONG with Brown and Cuomo and Garcetti and DeBlasio and Emanuel all the rest who insist upon ignoring or defying federal law to protect criminals at the expense of their own taxpayers? How the &*%# is that logical?
Islam is the perfect example of a metastasizing malignancy which consumes its host while providing nothing in return except the false promise of flesh-oriented reward in an unrealistic afterlife.
It transforms already ignorant and superstitious stone-age people into insect-like drones driven by the exhortations of bitter ascetic psychotics like workers in an ant colony directed by pheromones dripped from their parasitic queen who depends upon them for her very existence.
It transforms already ignorant and superstitious stone-age people into insect-like drones driven by the exhortations of bitter ascetic psychotics like workers in an ant colony directed by pheromones dripped from their parasitic queen who depends upon them for her very existence.
Islam is based entirely upon fear; the very name means “submission.” Just what would a soul, a disembodied spirit, need with a virgin? And what kind of god needs its followers to use death and destruction to compel non-believers to join its flocks?
And our government . . . actually the staggeringly naive and philosophically anti-American Soetoro regime . . . wanted to bring hundreds of thousands, eventually millions, of various Muslim “refugees,” those paragons of the religion of peace, to this country to make it all better, stronger, humane-r.
And our government . . . actually the staggeringly naive and philosophically anti-American Soetoro regime . . . wanted to bring hundreds of thousands, eventually millions, of various Muslim “refugees,” those paragons of the religion of peace, to this country to make it all better, stronger, humane-r.
Yeah, right! Long time ago I knew a beautiful young girl who married a guy for his country-boy charm and some rather valuable farmland he would one day inherit. Immediately after they married, she went to work to change him into something different from what had attracted her to him in the first place.
She taught him how to dress, how to behave respectably, how to appease the self-appointed social conformity cops, and so on. And when his metamorphosis was nearly complete, she realized that he was now boring, and superficial, and phony, an empty suit with nothing meaningful or interesting to say about anything.
It was only when he had had enough of the pressure to behave himself and got a bellyful of booze that his basic nature came out again. But when it did, under the influence of demon rum, he was violent, destructive, and dangerous.
They split, of course, and before he acquired his inheritance, so she came out of the marriage with little more than what she went in with, except some unpleasant memories and a few mementos that showed up only on X-rays.
They split, of course, and before he acquired his inheritance, so she came out of the marriage with little more than what she went in with, except some unpleasant memories and a few mementos that showed up only on X-rays.
I also remember a president who tried to bring about a “Great Society” for the purpose of locking one particular subculture into such absolute dependence upon government handouts that it would forever vote for the party which ensured them.
The plan was essentially to pay mothers to stay home and raise their children. The more children a woman had, the bigger her monetary allowance. There was a catch, of course – the babydaddy had to be gone from the home for her to be eligible.
The plan was essentially to pay mothers to stay home and raise their children. The more children a woman had, the bigger her monetary allowance. There was a catch, of course – the babydaddy had to be gone from the home for her to be eligible.
Naturally, as we now see in clear hindsight, this destroys the family unit, and when coupled with abandonment of religion leaves a power vacuum, a social void for gangs to infiltrate and give the children role models and a sense of belonging to something.
Of course gangbangers disdain formal education and law, relying mostly upon drugs or prostitution or theft for income. What a great plan, huh? Today we’re seeing the 3rd, 4th, and now the 5th generation of such “families” completely assimilated and dependent upon this lifestyle of either crime or entitlement, or both, for survival. It’s the 3rd millennium equivalent of slavery, with no white massas.
Pardonnez moi, but I just don’t get it. How precisely the hell do importation of hordes of unassimilable heathens and taxpayer-funded protection of criminals who want to “take back the streets” make this country better, stronger, richer, safer? Makes about as much sense as increasing the numbers of homosexuals and transgenders to make our military stronger, tougher, meaner.
Pardonnez moi, but I just don’t get it. How precisely the hell do importation of hordes of unassimilable heathens and taxpayer-funded protection of criminals who want to “take back the streets” make this country better, stronger, richer, safer? Makes about as much sense as increasing the numbers of homosexuals and transgenders to make our military stronger, tougher, meaner.