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Competing Points of Power - Who will Dominate? Pacific South Morning Journal

     The way I see it there are 2 competing forces in the world to day for world domination. the first is the United Nations , the developer of agenda 21 , and seeker of a consolidated world power structure often referred to as The New World Order; 
The 2nd is The People's Republic of China. China's GDP grew from $150 billion in 1978 to $12.24 trillion by 2017 and also seek world domination through their fast growing power structure. 

China is regularly hailed as a "potential" new superpower, with certain commentators citing its rapid economic progress, growing military might, very large population, and increasing international influence as signs that it will play a prominent global role in this,the 21st century. I would argue that they have long surpassed "superpower" status already. 

Some authors also question the definition of "superpower", arguing that China's large economy alone would not qualify it as a superpower, and noting that it lacks the military power and cultural influence of the United States. But as with all things in this world money is power for with it, all things in this world are possible. 

The United states does not factor because World Domination is not their goal. In fact 50% of the population in the US, favor becoming part of the New World Order as fashioned by the United Nations. In this sense the United States becomes only a cog in the wheel but China has goals equal to that of the United Nations/New World Order. 

They both however use similar techniques to gain power and influence. They both will loan countries more money than they can ever pay back. When the countries default on their loans China will take over strategic ports and hard resources in the country. China is the more overtly aggressive of the two as we have seen with their take-over of the south China Sea where 50% of all goods in the world flow. The UN exercises control through international law,regulations and financing through the IMF. 
These are the points of power as they manifest in today's world..

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