by Gilman Jones -
If your a common sense thinker, Democrat, Republican or Independant it would be unthinkable..perhaps incomprehensible, to conceive of voting for the loonacy that now oozes from the left..
Dare I say gushes from the left, gushes from the mouths of the Globalist, Socialist - Democrat and their blind mice supporters...
No patriot, regardless of political persuasion, can longer justify, on any reasonable level, the premise that the destruction of America, the actual shredding of the constitution, would be preferable to having this president ; the people's choice, in the White House..
No common sense thinker, right, left or center, can continue to avoid embarrassment of the antics in the US congress. An infected Congress parading it's dysfunction like an ugly, naked, sprecitle, into the white hot glare of the world stage..
No American left, right or center could logically turn a blind eye to the flacious propanaga, obvious to a 5 year old, as the vile media attempts to saturate the minds of Americans and to protect the stowaways, hiding in plain sight, with promises of safety and security..
I submit to you today that no common sense American could swallow or support the ongoing attempted coup of our nation in the name diversity, hatred, platform differences or patriotism...
I further submit to you that the bizarre mental illness that has been inflicted upon our people and that has now ravaged our land will not stand the test at the ballot box...
Accepting our glorious history, for all that it is, happens to be who we are as we forge our path forward during these dark and dreary times...
Patriots from all persuasions have begun to join hands to protect and preserve our great nation ; our very identity.. We pray for the continued unity with the belief and understanding that in the end common sense will indeed prevail in America again..